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Memorial Hospital

Financial Information Disclaimer

Memorial Hospital of South Bend ("MHSB") publishes certain financial information, including annual reports, statistical information or explanations of such information (collectively, the "Information"). Administration of MHSB believes the Information to be accurate and correct as of the date or dates contained therein. However, the financial affairs of MHSB change regularly and such changes may be material. Users are advised that, while MHSB makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of Information, Information may change from time to time without notice.

In addition, any financial statements bearing an “UNAUDITED” legend are provided for general information only and should not be relied upon for any purpose whatsoever. Such statements have not been reviewed or audited by an independent audit firm, have not been subjected to any audit procedures, may not conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and, as high level summaries without supporting statements or notes, are inherently incomplete.

Memorial Hospital of South Bend Institutional Review Board (IRB) Investigator Conflict  of Interest in Research

As of 07/14/2015 Memorial Hospital of South Bend has no investigator financial conflicts of interests to report in relation to research conducted at Memorial Hospital. Financial conflicts of interest are subject to updates on at least an annual basis and within 60 days of the identification of a new financial conflict of interest. To report a financial conflict of interest please email the chair of the Memorial Hospital Institutional Review Board at or call 574.647.7370. To review Memorial Hospital of South Bend’s Institutional Review Board Investigator Conflict of Interest policy please click here.

Elkhart General Hospital

Information presented through this medium (i.e., the Elkhart General Hospital Website) is provided for general information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For diagnosis of specific illnesses and disorders, consult the appropriate healthcare professionals.

Beacon Health System Social Media Disclaimer

Thank you for engaging with Beacon Health System via social media.

If you are seeking specific medical advice, please contact a doctor's office or call 911 in the case of an emergency. If you are in need of a medical provider you may find one online at or

Conversation Welcomed

We encourage your comments and discussion. All kinds of thoughts are welcome – supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. We expect a basic level of civility; disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must, and profanity and abusive language are out-of-bounds. When communicating on this site, remember to use the T.R.I.C. acronym:

  • Trust — don’t break the trust that others have in you, and never disclose Protected Health Information (more information here).
  • Respect others and their point of view — it's okay to have different perspectives on a topic.
  • Integrity matters — be honest with yourself and others. If you are wrong, say so. Don't repeat incorrect information, spread rumors, gossip or tear others down.
  • Compassion — Seek first to understand the other person, and be kind when communicating.

Unwelcome Content

We may not be able to review or respond to every comment posted. We reserve the right to remove any comment that:

  • Contains Profanity;
  • Is unlawful, hateful, threatening, harassing, abusive, or slanderous;
  • Is off-topic;
  • Is selling or promoting a commercial product;
  • Is spam;
  • Contains copyrighted material or material that belongs to someone else; or
  • Contains patient identifiable information or other confidential information.

Protect Your Privacy and the Privacy of Others

Please remember that comments posted online are generally permanent, and may be published for the world to see. For your own privacy and that of your family, you should consider carefully before you post, especially if the post contains personal medical information.

Sharing others’ Protected Health Information is strictly prohibited. Beacon Health System has no control over the policies and practices of third-party social media sites. Any information you share via social media sites may be visible to the public and is subject to the site’s policies.

Postings Not Considered Medical Advice

Information shared is intended for educational purposes only. It not intended as an endorsement, or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always check with your healthcare provider before beginning any type of health procedure or using any product or service mentioned by any Beacon entity. Beacon is not responsible for any misuse of the information provided here.

Beacon Health System Associates

If you are an Associate of Beacon Health System or its Care Partner organizations, please remember that all laws and Beacon policies apply, including but not limited to Privacy, HIPAA, Security and Safety. We require that you take time to review these polices. Please consult your manager if you have questions about the appropriateness of your comment.

Consent and Notice of Disclaimer

No liability is assumed for the information provided via social media by Beacon Health System, or any products advertised by Beacon. The opinions are those of the writers and not a certified medical practitioner.

By participating in a Beacon Health System social media site, you acknowledge that your participation in and any information you share may become public, including and not limited to protected health information, past and current conditions, and other content. Please note that other participants may use your shared information beyond the control of Beacon Health System, Inc.

By posting any content on any Beacon Health System social media site, you grant to Beacon the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish, and display such content, and the right to create derivative works from your content, edit or modify such content and use such content for any purpose. If you do not want to have the information you have made available via Beacon Health System social media sites to be used, published, copied and/or reprinted, please do not participate on the site.

By participating with Beacon Health System in social media sites, you hereby waive and relinquish any claims you may have against Beacon Health System, its Care Partners, respective affiliates and subsidiaries, and you release and discharge them from any and all liability, damages, costs (including reasonable attorney fees), actions or causes of action related to, arising out of, or resulting from your use or misuse of social media sites. You also agree to indemnify Beacon Health System against any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses arising out of a claim by a third party relating to any posts you have made.