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National Spotlight on Low-Dose CT

bright-spot-3Samir Patel, M.D., diagnostic radiologist at Elkhart General, was lead author in an article published online in the Journal of the American College of Radiology about the success of the hospital’s low-dose CT lung screening program.

Dr. Patel, Toni Klatt-Ellis, APRN, M.N., Oncology Advanced Practice Nurse at Elkhart General, Albert Cho, M.D., and Allison Lamont, M.D., also contributed to the article, describing their experience of establishing and running a multidisciplinary community hospital lung cancer screening program, outlining key components they implemented to make the effort a success.

Low-Dose CT Scans are available at Elkhart General and Memorial Hospital. This potentially lifesaving screening can detect early-stage lung cancer in patients who aren’t experiencing symptoms.

To learn more about low-dose CT lung screening options, call:

Elkhart General: 574.523.3444
Memorial: 574.647.1100