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Pediatric Multi-Specialty Clinic

The providers at Beacon Medical Group Pediatric Multi-Specialty Clinic offer comprehensive specialty care for children and families. Services include:

Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics

Developmental delays can occur in children of all ages – that’s why our behavioral and developmental pediatrics program includes expert care for a range of issues including autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Our experienced therapists, nurses and physicians provide a complete evaluation for your child to determine the treatment plan that maximizes your child’s potential.


At Beacon Children’s Hospital, we believe continued diabetic education and an individualized diabetic care plan can lessen fear and ensure your child maintains good health.


Gastroenterology deals with conditions related to a child’s digestive system. Our gastroenterologists provide exceptional care to children and teens in a supportive and compassionate manner. Common issues managed in our gastroenterology office include abdominal pain, constipation and feeding issues.

Infectious Disease

Infectious disease physicians specialize in treating a variety of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. You and your child are in good hands with Beacon.

Lung Care

Our Pediatric Pulmonary specialists offer care for a wide range of lung diseases, including asthma, allergies and premature lung. Testing can include chest X-rays, blood tests, bronchoscopy, pulmonary function testing and sweat testing.


At Beacon Children’s Hospital, our pediatric neurologists provide care in diagnosing and treating a variety of disorders affecting the brain and nervous system, while paying close attention to the special needs of your child and family. Symptoms of these conditions may include seizures, weakness or headaches.

Pediatric Neurosurgery

The Beacon pediatric neurosurgery team provides a broad scope of care for conditions such as tumors, trauma of the brain & spine, head shaped abnormalities in babies, surgical options for epilepsy and more.

Sleep Medicine

Children suffer when they don’t get adequate and restful sleep. Unfortunately, lack of sleep can cause children to experience increased hyperactivity, daytime sleepiness and other sleep disorders. Our board-certified pediatric sleep medicine physicians understand the complexities of sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and unexplained drowsiness and can provide treatment options for children of all ages.

Additional Services available to Pediatric Multi-Specialty patients: